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Kitteh mod request


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So I like playing the cat people. But to be honest the Khajiit are pretty much humans in fur suits.

MEANING, they have human feet, no real fur on them just a kitty colored suit and a feral head.


So I sort of wish for either one or the other, either a more feral Kkajiit or a more human Khajiit.

for Feral, something along the lines of more animal feet and more defined claws and fangs. A more hunched over stance.

And maybe when they use their ability maybe their eyes can glow as a cats would, well reflect the light as if they were glowing but you get the idea.


and for the less feral more human, well Cat girls and cat boys, nuff said.


I really do not want to play as a overly sexy or handsome character, something that is more animal more feral, that jumps out and would rip your throat out

And personally I see the khajiit to be either built like a Tiger, strong and thick OR built like a house cat, small petite and agile. Personally The males would be more towards the Tiger, lumbering around and smacking people with alrge weapons, while the females hide in the shadows and back stab before their target could react.


Anyway, think there is any means of helping me out?

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I have NMM and signed in and all that, but when ever I download using NMM, it does not work, in fact I have to manually download it in order for it to work.


Also, when it comes to the humanoid, is there a way that be just replace the Khajiit instead of just making a new race?

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nexus may just have been lagging when you tried.


i recall someone asking the same question for the yami neko race but there was no answer from the mod author. another hybrid race you might like that is between khajiit and humanoid is dagi raht.

they don't have a replacer yet either but it's worth mentioning regardless.

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