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Cannot Buy Land in Hearthfire DLC


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So, I have the Skyrim Legendary Edition with all three DLCs installed.

As far as I know the other two are working, as I haven't really messed around with them yet.

Basically, I am thane of Falkreath and Morthal (I have the housecarls and completed all appropriate quests), I have the option to purchase the land, but when I click on it, it says he gives me the title and such but he doesnt.

I have only seen one courier in 13 levels and it was about the dawnguard. I can make nails, hinges, and other building materials at the forge.

I have not recieved anything about adoption or land from any couriers- the only NPC who mentions the land is the steward.

I run Mod Organizer with several mods installed.

I have the unofficial patches installed and have tried removing them and the problem still exists.

I am really hoping to fix this without creating a new character and I am not opposed to commands if I have to- but the ones I have tried haven't worked.

Mods I have are:


A quality world map aned solstheim map

Show Race menu Precache killer

Climates of Tamriel

Ethereal Elven Overhaul

XCE-Xenius Character Enhancement

Skyrim Book Covers

Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Static Mesh improvement mod

Skyrim HD 2k textures

Notice Board and Notice Board Redefined

Pure Waters


No spinning Death animation

Even better quest objectives

Player headrtracking

Wet and Cold


Immersive Speechcraft

Drinking fountains of skyrim


Enhanced blood textures

wearable lanterns\

Immersive citizens

Placeable statics





Companion Valfar

Convenient horses

Beasts of tamriel


Birds of Skyrim

Convenient horse herding


Horses of Skyrim

Marraige mod- to love and hold


Alternate start-live another life

Skyrim Redone

Zinnia's food overhaul

Radiant and unique poisons and potions

Apocolypse- Magic of skyrim

Achieve that

The Dance of Death Killmove mod

Unique Booze bottles

Helgen Reborn

Winter is Coming

immersive weapons

immersive armors

Apachii Sky hair


Harvest Overhaul

Salt mines of Skyrim

Detailed mine markers


That is also the order they are installed/

Any help would be greatly appreciated and I would like to note that this is my first time modding skyrim.

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