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Introducing My Altmer


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Name: Caryarel Antalwe

Age: 130

Race: Altmer

Class: Mage

Place of birth: Alinor in Summerset Isle (now also called Alinor)

Marital Status: He has a significant other

Known relatives and friends:


Mother: Eldanya

Father: Corandrin

Sister: Morgwe

Brother: Calin


Birthday: 2nd of Frostfall

Personality:Haughty, very opionated, aloof when not with other Altmer, and even more so with non mer, especially Bosmer, overrall, very nice and sociable with Altmer andsome mer, but frosty and condescending with non mer.

Body: Tall, like all Altmer, with a medium-ish build and muscular.


Hair: A pale blonde

Eyes: Light blue green

Skin Colour: The average pale gold of the Altmer



Caryarel was a typical Altmer male growing up; he was highborne, as most Altmer are, and was easily able to harness his inherent magical powers. He became quite good at his magical craft as was easily reaching higher ranks within his academy.


Caryarel aslo harbors a deep, everlasting hatred for the Imperials. With the annexation of Summerset Isle into the Empire, he joined various nationalist groups to regain their independence. Then came the Thalmor again.


Immediately he was noticed by them for his magical aptitude and was accepted into their ranks. Everything they were about, he agreed. Now, he is a high ranking wizard with the Thalmor and is currently stationed in Skyrim in Northwatch Hold, much to his annoyance, but he doesn't want to upset his superiors.



Thalmor Robes (reduces cost of destruction spells)

Thalmor Gloves (enchanted with Fortify Magicka)

Thalmor Boots (enchanted with Fortify Wisdom)

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Interesting. There's also an Altmer in Morrowind named "Caryarel".


That's where I got his name from, lol. I just looked at existing Altmer names because I didn't want to name him something that would be totally off for an Altmer, though I doubt I would. But still, you can't be too careless, lol.

Anything about him that interested you the most?

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I like the original surname, although Altmer don't usually have surnames. I've never used a random name generator. I've got literally pages upon pages of character names I've jotted down during some of my free time. I can post a few here if you'd like.


I gave him a surname since he's of a noble (even for Altmer :P) family. That surname just came right off the top of my head. I've always liked the Altmer names that ended in 'we' and 'wy'. I'd love to see that list! :)

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Well, let's see here...I think I'll post my favorite male and female names I have for each race.


ARGONIAN: Keetum-Jun-Darz (Male), Anunesei (Female)

IMPERIAL: Rolandus Trevonium (Male), Loricella Tilbrandis (Female)

ALTMER: Ilmendarel (Male), Sorinyarie (Female)

DUNMER: Delvin Ithrayn (Male), Felthasa Tarothran/Telthana Mindabar (Female, tie between the two)

ASHLANDER DUNMER: Midlar Assaninuran (Male), Serrabinashiah Masseribalit (Female)

BRETON: Redemin Wolfiel (Male), Tamothrina Galsette (Female)

NORD: Laestar (Male), Kjordana (Female)

REDGUARD: Kerebin (Male), Karresey (Female)

KHAJIIT: S'Rovahndiir (Male), Ri'Vabashi (Female)

BOSMER: Rondolas (Male), Mendragil (Female)

ORC: Shagran gro-Kharbuk (Male), Rula gra-Bora (Female)


Some other honorable mentions........



Cheel-Lanzeeek (Male)

Oni-Venai (Female)

Rul-Nareez (Female)

Kurn-Adal (Male)

Chozeetha (Female)



Fehryld Mondasten (Male)

Jusietta Paraschiel (Female)

Sochrinde Nemaretta (Female)

Hebiert Duvoiret (Male)

Thendric Lenegrave (Male)

Ardoc Amden (Male)

Millonia Sicilana (Female)

Alverich Levastion (Male)

Lyranelle Cavoriet (Female)

Ronstac Eilondor (Male)

Alzmarc Clemephe (Male)



Jolvus Geldin (Male)

Joranus Tentalius (Male)

Mahieris Brugaltis (Male)

Rigilerus Tarbosian (Male)

Bripharus Mantopisiun (Male)

Decanthlius Sorgantium (Male)

Emenia Simentius (Female)

Clemena Denophon (Female)

Trephin Exevus (Male)

Larsicia Teresus (Female)



Magnorm gra-Durgok (Female)

Borgak gro-Durog (Male)

Gorgulf gro-Kundag (Male)

Barglush gra-Golmarz (Female)



Mercando (Male)

Dayhrinarre (Female)

Aremyon (Male)

Akentar (Male)

Aldemar (Male)

Nendilwe (Female)

Eyramanwe (Female)

Silmerian (Male)



Irolyn Tirlas (Male)

Kerithea Samaren (Female)

Dalvur Meneran (Male)

Felmis Sandrani (Male)

Aroner Berothril (Male)

Badael Denaren (Male)

Erdalyn Orovel (Male)

Ervyn Melandas (Male)

Voltryna Berethi (Female)

Andrelsa Menvani (Female)

Normea Rethandas (Female)



Helna (Female)

Danhilde (Female)

Svenora (Female)

Brandimir (Male)

Kardan (Male)

Morsehnren (Male)

Selkinbaur (Male)

Kirstar (Male)

Tarvindur (Male)

Saenara (Female)

Renda (Female)



Denegoth (Male)

Sothiel (Female)

Giramdel (Male)

Murendil (Female)

Delysnarel (Female)

Nenilgoth (Male)



Ri'Bakka (Female)

D'Sharo (Male)

Ra'Madra (Male)

J'Zavo (Male)

Shodinzharr (Male)

Ra'Kirona (Female)

Tuhkrisi (Female)



Balkrin (Male)

Stednel (Male)

Jessifaye (Female)

Breminta (Female)

Tarond (Male)

Circon (Male)

Sherdon (Male)

Luminda (Female)

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Hello? You forget about this thread? :P

Woops, lol. I was a little busy defending the look of the Mer in Skyrim in another thread :P


I'm thinking about posting my Aureal character on here as well. Though, I hope some of the people on here would let me play as him. I don't see a lot of people rolling Daedra characters.

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