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Bethesda ought to make a big encyclopedia on the lore


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There is, perhaps, only a single man who actually knows many of the questions regarding TES lore. That man is Mark Kirkbride, and he is unfortunately no longer with Bethesda, though he does still appear from time to time on the official forums.


As it stands, The Imperial Library is an excelent resource, and contains every book, note and letter in The Elder Scrolls. THAT should always be your first resource when trying to figure something out, and though it can be somewhat frusterating (Researching there is a lot like real research) is provides information untanted by external interpretation. UESP is good, but you can't take most of what's said there as hard fact, because a lot of it is summary and interpretation. Such are the risks of a wiki, eh?


I, also, would like a printed, hard copy of all the information extant about TES, but when one considers that there are several novels worth of books in the game, one realises that including everything would indeed result in a TRUE encyclopedia. a lot of it is still not fully explored, such as specific Emperors, other contenants, the nature and origins of many creatures (Such as Spriggan's) and pretty mcuh the entire Mereithic Era.


And when you get into the metaphysical side of things, such the nature of Divinity, the role of Talos in the pantheon, the Shezzarines and really strange things like CHIM, there are literally hundreds of pages of discourse on the Bethesda forums with no real conclusion.


Answering all the questions is impossible, since some of them no one really has an answer for anyway. The only thing i can say for sure is that the Thalmor fail, and the Dunmer rule the 5th era.

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