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Changing 3rd Person View Side?


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Is there any way to change the 3rd person view to the right hand side? I can zoom in and out but being on the left feels wierd to me, not sure if it's because I'm a righty or too used to other games having a right sided character? I like jumping to 3rd when runing across the landscape now and then but when I do it feels like I'm pushing a shopping trolley with a broken left wheel because of the position of the character if that makes any sense. Any help appreciated :)



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I know exactly what you mean. I always feel like I'm not quite walking in a straight line and that I'd eventually make a full circle.

One thing I do is play with the console command for the field of view.

Default is around 65, or 'fov 65'.

I prefer 'fov 55' or even less because it removes any warping of the image or fish eye for my monitor size and resolution. Thus, my character isn't stretched. It also makes me feel more like I'm really there in the world. However, it's harder to play on this setting because your crosshairs seems less accurate (fixed by going to first person when using ranged attacks) and you have to spin more in order to see around your character (also adding to realism for me). But, yeah, I actually like the claustrophobic sense I now sometimes get in caves with my settings, again, adding to the immersion.

At the default settings, I tend to get more of that broken left wheel feeling you so apply describe.

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One thing I do is play with the console command for the field of view.

Default is around 65, or 'fov 65'.

I prefer 'fov 55' or even less because it removes any warping of the image or fish eye for my monitor size and resolution.


I think I saw somewhere that the default is 75. I personally play with FOV=90 on my 24" widescreen; seems more natural for "me".


You can also edit the skyrim ini files to set the defaults to what you want so you don't have to use the console.

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