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Romance Mods!


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What she said is excellent step 1


When I am considering a new project I usually take this formula.


Step 1. Work out exactly, and I mean exactly what is going to be produced in the end. Subject to change later on

Step 2. Figure out the best place to recruit people

Step 3. Provide incentive and motivation for people to join the cause and those who already have.

That probably won't be applicable to mod creation, in the same way I usually consider it. In this case the incentive would have to be step one.. the actual idea


So with that said you just need to spin idea in the proper light to have people believe in it. Some ideas need no spin some do, it is not my place to determine if that is the case or not.


Step 4. Organize your team and provide direction, tasks, and goals. Then leave them to work autonomously on them.


At this point it is about being a good leader / manager providing insight feedback where applicable and making them feel good about fixing their mistakes if they happen to make any.




You asked my opinion that is it. That is how I do things, when I actually do things.






You can't marry bosmers either, they have different religious beliefs. They may be partners but no marriage.. unfortunately bethesda didn't do that either. I'd love some sexy / handsome bosmer options.

Edited by Sagenth
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yeah, i was going of the assumption that they could be chopped up, but Esteris has a good point, it might turn out weird, so in my recruitment thread ill ask for voice actors. now that im not doing this solo, it shouldnt be a problem. currently all we have is myself for the storyline, so i need actors, scripters, meshers/texturers and anything else i forgot lol.

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What she said is excellent step 1


When I am considering a new project I usually take this formula.


Step 1. Work out exactly, and I mean exactly what is going to be produced in the end. Subject to change later on

Step 2. Figure out the best place to recruit people

Step 3. Provide incentive and motivation for people to join the cause and those who already have.

That probably won't be applicable to mod creation, in the same way I usually consider it. In this case the incentive would have to be step one.. the actual idea


So with that said you just need to spin idea in the proper light to have people believe in it. Some ideas need no spin some do, it is not my place to determine if that is the case or not.


Step 4. Organize your team and provide direction, tasks, and goals. Then leave them to work autonomously on them.


At this point it is about being a good leader / manager providing insight feedback where applicable and making them feel good about fixing their mistakes if they happen to make any.




You asked my opinion that is it. That is how I do things, when I actually do things.






You can't marry bosmers either, they have different religious beliefs. They may be partners but no marriage.. unfortunately bethesda didn't do that either. I'd love some sexy / handsome bosmer options.


ok, im working on the thread right now, before i post it do you mind if i run it by you, this is my first largescale mod

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I would love it if there was a propper romance and marriage path in this game either a standalone or something which replaces the existing marriage system.


If on wearing the amulet of Mara instead of just the "ok lets get married" there was an option of yes I am interested in you and this would start a long slowly developing romance.


I loved some of the Morrowind and Oblivion romance options including:-







Vilja (Latest versions including some dialogue written by Sir Terry Pratchett)


Viconia DeVir


Something like this is a must.

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@Esteris - thanks for explaining :) I've wandering what all these vanilla things are. yeah and have you noticed how their are only human children? that's apparently of fixable by clicking the ncp setscale 0.8, I haven't tried it yet and anyway they'd be little adults I guess, no cute children voices or silly saying or the wanna play tag. imagine playing tag with a little khajiit


@ NathanRyan - wow, this is so exciting. I don't think there will be any problems with voice acting, there are a lot of nice sounding people working on the skyrim audio books. Esteris signature implies that she might help out if you ask her nicely (just trying to not volunteer other peoples services, hope you don't mind.) I can also help out with female voice acting.


@Sagenth - no bosmers! nooo! I had no idea. I assumed when the dark elf reacted to the amulet that the rest of the elves would too. can they have addfac 19809 1 to make them marriageable? I'll test it out just now.

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@blaydon -


Vilja (Latest versions including some dialogue written by Sir Terry Pratchett) .... please say it's in/for oblivion (it's still installed on my pc) and tell me how to find it. Sir Terry Pratchett is a genius.



Yes it is and it is available as written by one of the best modders of this kind of thing and can be found along with some houses which have added dialogue and possibilities if using Vilja here My link

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