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I have a fully outlined mod and failed to make it properly.


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So the space core I've had it instaled since I first started skyrim and always wanted it as a folower. I have recently tried to make it one but subsequently failed (I couldent find it where I placed it and when I tried placeatme I CTDd)


I tried modifying an ice wraith creature folower to look like the space core then replaced its sound files with the space cores babble becuase the way they bob and weave and generaly move match how I imagine the space core would flail about with floating powers.


however what I would like to do is make it an imersive element rather than something cludged


So if someone were intreseted hers my full plan.


you need a "Broken Antigravity Drive" from a Crashed Mako or Shuttle (from Mass Effect) near North Skybound watch ( or realy anywhere not often visited but on the throat of the world mountain maybe at the top instead so you have to progress the main quest some first.)


then since you need Element Zero A glowy blue floaty crystal with lighting I figured void salts from the glowy blue floating rock storm atronarchs


then use the Broken Antigravity Device and Void salts in the Attronarch forge with the space core to make it a mobile follower


I'd pretty much keep the ice wraith stats but cange the frost resistance and damage for shock. maybe make it so that the core is surounded by an aura of arcs so it looks like its short circuting.


so it seemed like it would be pretty easy but I've never made a mod before and aparently it was beyond me.



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