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Saviors Hide into a whole Set


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Just thought about expanding the look and espec. feel of the saviors hide to a whole armor and maybe weapon set.

As long as the CK isnt released and nobody has the skill and or will to design fitting gloves, boots and stuff, i think it would look great

imagining the following:


-for gloves and boots one could use the stormcloak-officer ones, adding abit of fur-padding (like on leather armor)

-the hide itself could be upgraded with some pants, either made of leather scales or leather with additional chainmail

-the foresworn bow would make a great bow for this set, giving it deadric stats and (of course :P) adding fur!


Having all those sabertooth-loving, hircene-worshipping primal hunters in mind, that despise the looks and feel of "ranger" and "nightingale" gear.


Would be pretty cool if this immersion-adding idea could be done by one of you guys!


best regards,


a fellow huntsman


...motivational clip XD ...


Edited by vidar666
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MOAR FUR !!!! lol, seriously though i would be specially interested in the helmet, make it original, not a retexture of the forsword helmet or the stormcloak officer.


Making the helmet one would need a realy good concept, something special and fitting the "hunter theme" perfectly. Im still thinking about this piece the most.

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