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Skyrim V crashes on PC


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Hi ! I seem to have a bit of a problem running Skyrim V Legendary edition.

I dloaded it from Steam yesterday. I have the mod manager and also just dloaded the newest version of TS5edit.

I have no mods installed or even downloaded yet. I get past the intro scenes and just as I'm able to see the opening cart scene, my computer freezes.


I'm running Windows 10

I do not have NVidia board, just Intel HD 4000 graphics.

I've tried running game as administrator, but still everything freezes.


Any ideas as to what's going on and any fixes?

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I also have a similar issue. It either crashes or as I leave my inventory or through a instanced doorway the screen freezes and stutters, if I try and open the menu/quicksave the game crashes. I have mods installed but this was happening before I had them. I've gotten used to f5'in frequently and haven't had too much bother with it so far but I can see it becoming a problem later on.


Launching through steam, as admin. Set graphics to low to see if it was my card (recommended me ultra high at first) but it still happened.

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