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Problem in using OSEX


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Lol, No have never tried OSEX, I have looked at a few others only to see how something like that was put together. I had a hell of

a time getting rid of it after and it more then "broke my game". Keep in mind, I'm no noob at modding Skyrim.

Had to do a full re-install and lost a lot of work .... grrr.


Morally, ( I know, I know ) ... I'd rather play Skyrim then a "let's have sex game" ...

But, to each their own. Skyrim seems to be shaky enough without added experimental mods.

Myself, I just want a good D&D style game I can lose myself in for a few hours after work.


Some errors in your saves don't show up for a long time then it's way to late ...

Save me your feelings on my opinion please. If OSEX is completed and not in development

have at ... I guess I should have said, mods in the development phase may break your game.

That's really sad..anyways i already stopped using OSEX after you suggested not to use the mods which can "break your game" :D :D

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