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Multiple types of Fusion Cores


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I think I've seen a topic about something similar, but I can't find it any more. Anyway...


First of all, I propose a tiered fusion core system. There would be different kinds of cores, some more suited for usage in power armor than others. All of them are theoretically infinite, but some of them get damaged if used in power armor. Also, the armor gets additional effects, depending on the type of core used.


- Domestic Fusion Core: made for household fusion reactors, these cores are rather bad in Power Armor. Your dexterity (and therefore weapon accuracy) is drained, because the core has been made for continuous generation of more or less constant power levels, not for turning servos on and off rapidly. This also damages he core, making it "deplete".

These cores would be the most common ones, about 99% of all cores. Every single one taken out of a fusion reactor is domestic, raiders would also use them.


- Jury-Rigged Fusion Core: with enough perks, you can go to a chemistry workbench and made a domestic core a little more useful in power armor. You no longer get the dexterity drain, and it depletes somewhat slower. These could be the cores the Atom Cats use.


- Robot Fusion Core: as the name says, it is used to power robots. Does not drain your dexterity and does not deplete, but since it was meant to be used in military robots, not on your back, the radiation shielding is lacking. You are constantly being irradiated while wearing power armor with such a core.


- Damaged Robot Fusion Core: I think it's weird how you can destroy a sentry, and it still has two fully-charged fusion cores. I think, after you destroyed a sentry, you should be able to loot 0-2 damaged cores from it instead. A damaged core depletes, and irradiates you even more when used.

These cores can be repaired at the chemistry bench with the appropriate science/nuclear physicist perk


- BoS Fusion Core: Some speciality used by the BoS, does not deplete, has no side effects (but no positive effects either), and automatically explodes when you die in order not to make it too easy to aquire these cores :D

Or maybe it does give you a positive effect, but only when used in BoS armor?


- Military Fusion Core: This is what power armor is supposed to be powered by. Such a core never depletes, and grants a bonus to strength and dexterity. Rare loot, found only at these pre-war military checkpoints after a certain level.



Additionally, in order to create a sink for all these domestic cores you will find, this one buildable fusion reactor should take one in it's recipe, and you could also get a recipe to craft grenades from them.


The question is: what to do about the Gatling Laser?


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For the gatling laser:

Make the "receiver" take a single type of core at a time.


Domestic has low damage but a somewhat ok ammo capacity.


Rigged ones could be a step better than domestic. Possibly even a boost to the rof


Robot cores would not irritate the user - the extra shielding makes the gun heavier, slower, etc. But the damage output is better than the ones above but the capacity is the same as the rigged one. Damaged robocores are not used.


BoS: how they are now on the game.


Military: greatly increased ammo capacity, a small boost to damage.

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  • 1 year later...

I just did some tests, and, against all expectations, this seems to be actually possible. At least I made a second type of fusion core and it worked.

So I might try to make this into an actual mod.

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This is now somewhat of a reverse mod request, as I want to actually try to make this mod, and am asking for input.



- Domestic Fusion Core: the generic thing, decreases your agility when used.

Here, I'd also modify the recipe of the Wasteland Workshop Generator to require one. Potentially also the Vault-Tec reactors.


- Jury-Rigged Core: like Domestic, but has somewhat more durability and doesn't decrease anything

- Overcharged Core: like Domestic, but actually gives you bonuses to agility, strength, speed. Drains faster, however.

For the last two, I'd like them to be craftable from the domestic cores. However, this might be somewhat cheaty. I don't think it's possible to make the result having the same health as the input, or to restrict the crafting to full cores only. Or is it?


- Military Fusion Core: Infinite, gives you some bonuses. Exists exactly once in the game. Where, though? Sentinel Site maybe?

- Damaged Military Fusion Core: gives you the same bonuses, but depletes rather fast. Found in pre-war military checkpoints and suits of power armor standing around from before the war.

The Military Fusion Core would be quite a powerful item, so I don't want it to lie around everywhere. But it would be implausible if there are household cores in pre-war military areas.


- BoS Fusion Core: The BoS is probably capable of making infinte cores. But getting one right after you join the BoS at the game start would be too cheaty imo.

Maybe they are still expensive to make and only the higher-ups get them?

How about: the first suit of armor they give you will have a Jury-Rigged core. Only the Paladin suit you get later has an actual infinite BoS core. It then doesn't give you any bonuses, it's just infinite.


- Robot Fusion Core: Should be infinite, and should be able to handle the varying power demand of power armor. But, if the downside is just irradiation, just take the Ghoulish perk, and it actually heals you!

Fire damage instead, because it can't be cooled properly in the PA? Continuous damage might be too much. Scripted sporadic damage, and decreased fire damage resistance? I doubt I could make it depend on actual AP usage...

- Damaged Robot Fusion Core: similar, including the downsides, but not infinite.


Another question is: where do you get those? RobCo sales & service center should definitely have one in the container at the end of the Ms. Nanny trial. Hesters Consumer Robotics and the General Atomics Galleria could have one each as well.

Additionally, loot Damaged Robot Fusion Cores from Sentry Bots, then repair them?

Here, the plan is to make a Sentry Torso require two of those to build.



For the Gatling Laser, I like this approach:


Should be simple enough...



This mod would require a lot of vanilla edits, though... changing loot lists, vendor lists, and probably pretty much every single suit of vanilla-placed power armor.

Also, I haven't actually tested what happens if you drain a custom Fusion Core. The game will probably replace it with a default core automatically. I doubt that auto-refilling Overcharged Cores would work. For consistency's sake, maybe it would be better to disable this auto-refill completey, but I don't think it's possible. Or is there a mod which does that?

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I would suggest just switching gattling laser to take different ammo altogether, not the Fusion core. (*edit, yep just seen the link lol )


The radiation is a good idea, perhaps edit the ghoulish perk so it does something different but still useful, or try to copy rad damage (probably actor Value) as a new record so as to make a rad damage that has a different ID number. That way, ghoulish might not be immune to the new type of radiation, but idk if that would also mean making a new healing item?? or if that would work at all.


is it possible to make any of the variants more volatile? I notice they have Health values, is that for the Battery Drain health or how much damage they can take?


This is a good idea if you can make it so that any PA can actually take all the variants


IDK about the infinite core. Perhaps that would be the theory, but instead, I think an extremely slow drain and high core life would work better. Or, its infinite until it takes damage, then begins to drain slowly.

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I don't know if it's possible for the core to take damage the same way as other parts of the PA. I haven't seen anything hinting that it's possibe :/


I'm quite sure that this health is the drain value. But even if it isn't, I found that I can just manipulate the drain value depending on the core. It seems that when you insert a core into a frame, you are actually adding an object modification to it. And that can do a lot of things.


And regarding infinite cores: well, my original intent was to somehow reconcile the new PA mechanics with the old lore about power armor batteries lasting for centuries. And, in the late game you are swimming in fusion cores anyway, what difference does it even make?



Okay, a variation: the infinite military-grade fusion core doesn't actually provide any bonuses. It's just infinite. However, the overcharged fusion cores you can craft, while limited, provide bonuses.

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I see, that way you dont just find the military grade core and stick with it.


I guess its true, they have lore about fusion power lasting for centuries and yet a full core that has been sitting powering a warehouse for 200 years burn out in your suit in about 20 minutes or something.


The ideas of separating them to classes is great.


What do you think of movement speed vs drain. like an overcharged could vastly increase movement speed at a higher cost to drain.. among other effects and bonuses.


I am already thinking this mod could really improve PA in this game.


I would though, love to see no core\empty core bring you to complete stop. Perhaps walking speed only when overencumbered or Core health is equal to/ less than 10.. if possible.

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