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lost learned enchantments?


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I'm not even sure what mod did this to me as I've been adding/removing mods for a few saves. Before you ask yes before testing a mod out I did a save before adding it so when removing it it wouldn't effect that save. I also do use the loot program to make sure saves are in order. So I'm thinking it's one of the saves that I kept that did it to me just not sure how/why or why all my enchants are still there 100 saves ago and not in the newer ones. Some reason my learned enchantments are either missing or I have to relearn them. But the ones that are missing (eg soul trap) it says I already know how it yet it doesn't show up in the list. Same mods even with new mods added about 100 saves ago I still got all my enchants.


I was wondering if it's possible to use a scrip to learn all the base enchants instead of spawning items in to relearn them.


The only possible thing I can think of is when I switched over from unufficial patches to the legendary patch and had to patch over 2 mods which had nothing to do with enchanting and came up with no errors in the tes5edit. But if that were the case and It's still all the same mods plus 2 extra in the older save why didn't it effect it's enchanting list?


Edit: Ok after testing I found the couplrit. The mod Honed Metal for some reason when you use an npc's enchanting service it screws up all the enchants you learned yourself. :( I really love the mod to.

Edited by subzero22
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