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First of all, Sorry if this is the wrong spot to post this.


Im using TES and OBSE. OBSE is active because I do have the functions it provides. Im kinda new to modding and I was trying to make a spell and it keeps saying this that "MAX_SCRIPT_SIZE Exceeded!", I thought OBSE was suppose to remove these limits?



I am using the latest version of both TES and OBSE. Is this the cause?

Edited by Netsurfers
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In fact, starting the CS through OBSE "increases" the limits (so your scripts can be larger with OBSE than without), but it really does not "remove" them completely.


Read the OBSE documentation and/or the release threads talking about this in more detail, if you want to know more about the actual numbers.

I knew them very well once, but I long since forgot them as a result of my forced inactivity. I'm sorry.


I'm impressed of your script's size though. My scripts are highly complex in many accounts, but I only ever reached this limit "once" myself so far. :sweat:

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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