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100% Vanilla FO3 GOTY hair glitch


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I took a larger one so it's more obvious. There's like, clipping in the forehead and it doesn't touch the sides of the head. I made the same install on my desktop and checked to be sure I'm not crazy, looks normal on the desktop, it just seems like this laptop has... some odd driver or something that is, for whatever reason, conflicting with this hair.




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Download the mod from Celticgirl and run it.

install hairpack 2,0


The only thing I can say is the drivers or software is not the same, could be direct x as well ? "shrugs"


what's the display pixels set at for each? size?


Looking at the picture view point I see the issue on the right side.


from the characters perspective it's on their heads left side.

Edited by Purr4me
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I'm on DirecX11, and with all those mods the problem becomes more apparent. It's not just the facegen menu though, it's like this ingame too. What do you mean about pixel size though, like texture size? I've tried all three, all the same issue. Everything else works perfectly lol.


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Ok, there is defiantly something severely wrong with that laptops software.


right click desktop, select dispplay settings, lower the resolution to 1080 x768 which is more in tune with the age of the games software.


That's just horrible.


This game uses directx 9c

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Adjusting resolution did nothing. Welcome to my hell.

Lap Top specs, model number serial number, graphics driver version...


exact specializations I can look up online.

download and install (https://www.windows10download.com/belarc-advisor/) pick the right one, when it is all down, at the top of your browser, save as html.


go to the file and zip it up. send me that file VIA pm.

Do not post what it finds on the open internet and not here. It will contain private info you do not want seen.


I post this in the open so I will be responsible for it. But and audit of the specific software for a hardware issue is required.


OR run specy "google it."

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