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Scales and weights


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Here I go again, another request about alchemy. As for my "needing water" request (which would add the water bottle as well) I guess the only way is to make water required in the potion creation menue, actually gimping alchemy because you'd have max 3 ingredients instead of x4... but anyway, here is my new request:



We can use scales and weights to improve potion quality. There are two types of scales and two types of weights, so:


First, “created potion effect” I will call “x” because it’s shorter and easier to identify.

I will call “weight” variable “y”

I will call “fine balanced weight” variable “z”

I will call “Scale” variable “a”

I will call “fine balanced scale” variable “b”


a + y = x + x * 0.10 (this is added to both effects and duration for all)

a + 2y = x + x * 0.20

a + 3y = x + x * 0.30

(note: every common weight added, up to 3, will add 10%)


a + z = x + x * 0.20

a + 2z = x + x * 0.40

a + 3z = x + x * 0.60

(note: every fine balanced weight added, up to 3, will add 20%)


b + y = x + x * 0.50

b + y = x + x * 0.60

b + y = x + x * 0.70

(note: the fine balance scale starts the potion effect at a +40% base, unlike the common scale which has no starting base % increase)


b + z = x + x * 0.60

b + 2z = x + x * 0.80

b + 3z = 2x


Now I know one can have more than one type of weights (no more than 3 will be calculated and fine weights will always be factored in before common weights)

So the formulas work if you always factor in all weight combinations, like this:



IF (a > 0 OR b > 0) THEN (seeing if you have a scale in your inventory to begin wtih)

Variable “w” will either be “0” or “0.40”, depending on if a common scale or a fine balanced scale is in the inventory)

If (a > 0 AND b = 0) then (w = 0), else (w = 0.40)


n = # of y; m = # of z


Select Case m (number of fine balanced weights)

Case 0

Select Case n (number of common weights)

Case 0: x = x (even with a fine scale, if you have no weights, you get no increased effects; one must have sacale and weight(s))

Case 1 to 3: x = x + x * (w + n*0.10)

Case else: x = x + x * (w + 0.30)

End Select


Case 1

Select Case n

Case 0: x = x + x * (w + m*0.20)

Case 1 to 2: x = x + x * (w + n*0.10 + m*0.20)

Case else: x = x + x * (w + 0.20 + m * 0.20)

End Select


Case 2

Select Case n

Case 0: x = x + x * (w + m * 0.20)

Case 1: x = x + x * (w + m * 0.20 + 0.10)

Case else: x = x + x * (w + m * 0.20 + 0.10)

End select


Case Else

x = x + x * (w + 0.60)

End Select


ELSE (no scale? no calculations)

x = x


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Looks like a good idea, but I am sure that Bethesda has locked us out of something needed for this to work. Your example was very easy to follow as it looks a lot like Fortran.
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Using a script to change FPotionMortPestleMult should work, but might require OBSE. Swapping out mortars might be a better approach. You might want to use a naming scheme along the lines of <Grade> Mortar & Pestle +XX% if you use this approach.


+100% may be a bit much. Once you get this to a working stage, I'd suggest posting on the official forum asking opinions on what amount would be balanced.

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Hmm maybe right.. now I can't script I just know some basics.. the request is if someone can do this, perhaps my pseudo-code may help..


and perhaps you're right, +100% (x2 effects) might make potions a bit overpowered.. so perhaps weights can increase by 5% and fine ballanced weights by 10%.


scales again have base add of 0% and the fine scale could have a base add of 20%.


This will lower all but still make them work.. and I do feel OBSE will be needed. But with it organized a bit better, it will take less code; observe:


a = scale

b = fine scale

c = fine scale base add effect (20%)

cc = scale base add effect (default to 0% but added incase any wish to increase common scale value)

d = weight base add effect (5%)

e = fine weight base add effect (10%)

f = weight formula number (sets a variable = #weights[needed to simplify formula])

g = fine weight formula number (sets a variable = #fine weights)

w = base add effect (will be set to cc or c)

x = potion scrip effect (normal potion effects - duration and effect)

y = weight #

z = fine weight #


IF (a > 0 OR b > 0) AND (y > 0 OR z > 0) THEN (checks: must have at least one type of scale AND at least one type of weight to continue)

IF (a > 0 AND b = 0) THEN w = cc, ELSE w = c

IF y >= 3 THEN f = 3 ELSE f = y (checking to ensure 3 is max weight number used)

IF z >= 3 THEN g = 3 ELSE g = z (same reason but for fine weights)


Select Case z (number of fine weights)

case 0: x = x + x * (w + fd) [potion effect plus % based off of # weights and scale type]

case else: x = x + x * (w + ge + (f-g)d) [effects based on #weighs subtraced from # fine weights]

End Select


ELSE: x = x




AS you can see this code allows for base effects of scales and weights to filter into the code much easier so editing is better for experimentation.

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