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Searching Bug Reports


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Greetings all:


This might not be the right forum for this, but this is my question. Is there a way to search through bug reports on the Nexus site? I recently had an issue with one of my 241 plugins causing Molecular Level not to fire. When I finally found the culprit (a mod that I never in a million years would have suspected) I went to the mods page to find that it had been reported as a bug. I did intensive internet searches prior to going through my plugin list one by one and nothing came up from the Nexus site at all. There were some from the Bethesda site and a couple from Reddit, but they were about the game bug that had been patched out rather than a mod bug.


So, is there a way to search the bug reports and the individual mod forums from the Nexus site?


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Out of curiousity, which mod was it? I currently have a molecular level quest bug and no idea why.


As for your actual question, the comments added to mods are actually forum topics in disguise and you can browse/search them similar to the way you do the forums. They're located here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3414-file-topics/

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