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Question about replacing an outfit


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Incredibly simple question, I'm sure, but I'm not at all familiar with modding in FO4, so please bear with me.

I got a harness replacer from Calyps' awesome harness mod here. When I applied it via NMM, however, I noticed that it also replaced the gunner harness, which I don't want. Looking in the references via FO4Edit, they unsurprisingly use the same model, it seems. If I wanted to replace only the raider harness, would it be as simple as changing the model to reference something like "harnessShorts" instead of "harnessGO" (I also don't understand the importance of "GO" in the name), and changing the replacer's name to match?

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You're on the right track. Since both those "outfits" use the same model you can just make the model from that mod unique--basically make a new outfit. In the CK (don't know how it is in FO4Edit) you can duplicate the "Armor" and "ArmorAddon" for it and then plug in that mesh's nif. The GO file doesn't have to be changed--that's just the model which shows the folded up outfit in a preview or when you've dropped it.

Edited by Nutulator
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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I finally got around to reading up on some of the tools so I could try to make this work. I realized that I'd also need to make a new material instance, though, since the file includes a material and texture, as well.

I made a new ArmorAddon entry to separate out the raider and gunner instances and make the raider instance reference the new nif, changed the references in the model nif ("Raider04FShort.nift") to reference a renamed material file ("Raider04FShort.bgsm"), and changed the material file to reference the texture that I also renamed ("Raider04FShort_d.dds", I believe). What I see in game is the model, but with the material not showing properly. The actual harness mesh is purple.

It shows up fine in nifskope, and if I turn the material into a material swap in the CK, it shows up fine on the normal harness mesh, so I feel like I must have missed a reference in the mesh file. I don't know where it could be missing, though, since I thought I replace all the entries.

I'll look at this again the next time I have time, but figured I'd see if anyone might have some idea of a detail I might've overlooked when setting everything up.

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Hmmm. Purple means the textures aren't loading. One thing you can see is if the path slashes are leaning to the left and not the right. Example:



  Reveal hidden contents



I remember I had a similar problem sometime back. The textures would show up fine in OS but not in the game. Problem was the I was using a URI ("/") instead of a "\" which is for Windows path files.

Edited by Nutulator
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Thanks again for the help and quick reply!

Managed to get it working. I think it was definitely a file name or something, somewhere, but I couldn't tell you where. I ended up deleting my modified files and starting again. Noticed that his texture and material file were named with "raideS" instead of "raideR", so they wouldn't conflict with the native ones. Just set the nif and everything was fine.

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