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Skyrim weapon enchantment questions


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So as a test i am trying to make a weapon enchantment that will increase damage vs. falmer as well as add frost damage (if both are possible without enchantment perks). So far i went into CK, created an esp. then:


-Went into enchantments and +new


-Made ID, name, Type enchantment, casting (no idea, although i want it to just be passive bonus to the sword), delivery (assume that is contact) and base restriction is material weapons.


-I picked DisDamageOnehandedTwohanded and magnitude 3 for the effect.


-Then in conditions i picked GetIsCrimeFaction --> FalmerFaction --> Run on --> Target


-Set comparison to >= and kept value at 1.0


Im kind of stuck here. Here is what i want description to look like:


"Increases damage versus falmer by X and X frost damage".



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