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Big red "!"


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Well i just finished installing and updating skyrim to my PC


Its a laptop and the specs are


AMD A8-3530MX Quad

AMD Radeon 6620G2

8GB ram


It should beable to run high-ultra with little to no problem...


BUT!... for some reason things arent loading, and they appear as a big red and white exclimation point... Namely, the smoke in the title screen.


Also i cant even start a new game because all i see is people float-sitting and no carriages or anything. They talk to me, but after the talking is done... nothing else happen.


Is there anything im missing here?

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Looks like some assets are missing or messed up. A red exclamation mark means that some mesh is missing. Have you deleted, renamed or moved some files around? You may consider reinstalling the game if that's the case.


No no, i just finished installing it.


I found out the issue though


I had to varify the integrity of the cashe, and that fixed it.

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