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If anyone knows about the "THIEF" series games, they know that it emphasizes on the aspects of thieving only. Which is what the game is about. Although Skyrim mechanics are different with all these mods and factions and quests I am surprised nobody has even attempted to do this.


I am looking for someone who can point me in correct direction or may have a project going on adding to the Thief portion of the game.


1. Visibility meter : shadows take into account and show visibility of the character which makes it fun for thieving and more realistic

2. Shoulder carry: instead of magical floating people dead bodies it would be good to have a shoulder carry mod or body drag mod

3. Clean Blood: using elements around you (wine, water jugs) clean up blood

4. NPC/Character Sound meter: terrain would be difficult maybe the slow movement vs quicker movement idk although there are perks that muffle movement

5. Torch Out: using magic ice, enchantments or spells, even making a water arrow to take out torches to sneak


The only thing i would have to assume is changing the NPC reaction to lighting and sound based on visibility/distance etc.

Animation for body carry shouldnt be too difficult i would think considering all the crazy mods i see already in skyrim.

Cleaning the blood seems simple enough if you make the blood interactable.


But based on all the game has with perks and movement, shadowing, i can't see why some of these things couldn't work.


So if someone does this, that would be great or throw me into the right direction with modding it??





UPDATE 2:43pm ET 11/30/2016

There is this mod that utilizes the arrow system and sneaking somewhat, so i am crossing out the torch out.


Edited by equilibrius7
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