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[LE] Question on Skin Tones/Body Textures, also Body Meshes


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Hi, folks. I'm a newbie at fiddling with the creation kit, so I apologize if this is a silly question.


I'm working on a set of NPCs, all of which I have made a custom race for and who use a custom skin tone. After about finishing everything I wanted to, I plopped them in game to check out their look. They came out with the correct face tint and skin tone for their heads, but their bodies are the default peachy color.


I'm using the ALSL body preset mesh (With the XPMSE skeleton) and the CBBE body texture for it.


I'm thinking I missed an option somewhere to add the skintone to the naked armor? I'm not sure where else I would go to correct it.


A second question- Placing them in the cell, all of the NPCs were naked, despite having the outfit chosen for them. Is this because I'm using a different skeleton, or could there be another reason for it?




EDIT: Here's some pics of what I'm talking about:





Edited by BelzacTesla
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