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NMM will not Install any Texture mods


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The nexus mod manager has absolutely no problem installing any mods like Boston world radio, salvage beacons, vivid weather, bullet time etc, but if i want to install a mod like vivid lanscapes or the seasons mod the nexus mod manager always gives me the same error message.

ââA problem occurred during install:

âCould not extract files! Message: File is corrupted. Data error has occurred.

âThe mod was not installed.


âI have tried many different methods to get it to work like:

Turning off antivirus

Fresh install of both fallout 4 and nmm

Doing a Manual download then manually adding the mods to the manager

Doing a Manual install

Just plain using nmm


Nothing works


Can someone help me please. I've been modding games for years but no idea why this will not work.

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Open beta NMM has a bundle of problems and it seems to have a harder time installing texture mods correctly than other types. One solution that works some of the time is to run it as administrator. However that doesn't always work. You'll probably have better luck with support in the open beta NMM forums than here as I don't think the devs regularly check outside that area.

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