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Briarhearts, Dremora, and Vampires...NOT!


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For various reasons I find the idea of Briarhearts, Dremora, and Vampires as permanent followers to be repugnant.


In the instance of Briarhearts, the use of anything those ugly hens have had a hand in (literally) is completely foul.


The only useful Dremora is one I've either summoned and then banished, or, if dead, that I can rip the heart out.


Further, the only trustworthy Vamp is one I've got a stake in and its' head in a basket...rotten, undead, blood sucking freaks that they are.


Sorry folks, I'm just not a big believer in being politically correct. Hmmm, there's a mod that makes Serana killable. Hmmm. Well, maybe


after the whole quest project. Hmmm. I kinda like the idea. Never did like her possessive attitude anyway.

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