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Is this true :O ?


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Someone's probably blacklisted the Nexus as a SOPA supporter solely on it's anti-piracy, tarring with the same brush. Just another internet freak who always has an opinion, but no actual facts, experience or knowledge to back it up.


There does appear to be a place to bring up issues about it here. I suggest Dark0ne does this, as it's his site and the only one who can vouch for his pro/anti-SOPA support is himself.

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Ahhh... Now I understand what happened.


The OP has installed the "andyBaird / NoGoDaddyChromeExtension", which claims to (according to its description) "Block sites that are using Go-Daddy as a registrar." (I assume it's configurable to just place the banner message up on the user's Chrome browser window instead of totally blocking a site.)


Now, for the moment, let's disregard the misleading text contained in the banner itself, (since the add-in has no idea if a site's owner/management actually supports SOPA or not.) And let's ignore that there's no human moderation of which sites get this treatment (since it's based on DNS registration records.) As was widely reported yesterday, GoDaddy withdrew it's support of BOTH bills before the US Congress, and joined those actively opposed to them. :facepalm:

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