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Looking for a players home mod


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I have been playing Ark for some years now, and returned for Skyrim SE. Since SKE is not done yet, I dusted Skyrim off.


I used a home mod, to reach it you had to pass Ivarstead to Rift Imperial Camp. At the side of two tents was a door in the cliff wall.


Inside you have to walk a smal path to get to the first section. There was a anvil or something that loads magic weapons with

new energi. There is a spirit here that can guide you, and dwemer elevator.


Been looking for about 4 houers now, but I can't locate it or even find the name.




** Update **


Well stuburn as I'am, I finaly found it.

Aemer's Refuge

Edited by lGlK3A1vNI0B
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