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Extremely slow Y axis (look up/down). Good FPS (50+)


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I'm having a game breaking issue which basically stopped me from playing until I can correct, please help!




I recently updated to the latest release thinking most issues had been resolved, and to get the large memory address fix. However, ever since updating it's impossible to look up or down quickly. It crawls, I literally have to wait 30 seconds to look at the ground from a level point of view and it happens with a mouse or a 360 gamepad all the same. This did not happen with 1.1


Troubleshooting: (All unsuccessful)


- Removed all mods

- deleted skyrim.ini & SkyrimPrefs.ini

- Tried & then removed X/Y axis sensitivity

- vsynch on or off

- 360 pad on or off, also enabled disabled.




2500K @ 4.7

570 GTX

16GB PC1600 DDR3

Vertex 3 SSD (Skyrim is installed on this)




ULTRA + tweaks.



If there is anything else I need to list, let me know. Thanks for any suggestions... I cannot find anything on-line, everything references prior issues to this newest patch.

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