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Where is DCO?


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I tried download and implementing one of the more popular mods for Skyrim (Original, not Special Edition): Dragon Combat Overhaul. However it seems to have ceased existence. The author seems to have hidden it.


Here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32597/?


How come? And why? Why one of the best mods with no reason gone?


Am I missing something?


Thanks for all kinds of help - or, even better - an alternate mirror/location to download DCO!

Edited by matheo81
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Very unfortunate. But I do understand such reasons. As with all the respectless trolls roaming around and the countless hours and dedication by the modders therefore not valued. Or Bethesda not even implementing (in SE) the most widely appreciated and crucial mods (such as SkyUI to just name the most obvious one). I guess there was enough food for being disappointed.


But... know this modders. They ARE appreciated! All the haters are just frustrated people made partly anonymous where as they can spill their garbage at others and not face their own s#*!. :) So now that we understand the psychology behind it, get your ass back here modder of DCO! Your mod did get many prasies and - frankly, I want it.

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