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The Baron Von Zarov Files


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Hi folks! Has anyone completed or even saw this quest? I'm stuck in finding clues to proving something(I'm not gonna spoil) but don't know what to do. Google can't find absolutely nothing about this quest, not even a mention. Can't find the Id to use cheat. anyway, any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
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Have you checked the UESP?

Yeah already did that, nothing... It seems there's nothing about this quest all over the web and I'm curious as hell to finish it. Can't use console to find ID, tried CS too but it's hard to find anything there and I don't know witch file leads to this quest, I have over a hundred mods installed. Guess I'll wait some savior lol! Thanks anyway!

Edited by arkaydon
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  • 3 weeks later...

It definitely is from a mod, which is mostly easily told from the fact that the voice acting is all original, and not from any of the in game character voice files. Judging from the icon on mine when I got it, it has something to do with the Red Rose Manor mod, but I don't know if that's just a coincidence or if it really means something. Could be an incomplete add on that slipped itself into the file, as I can't seem to get past a certain point in the story either.


Edit: After going to the Gold Horse courier service in the Imperial City, the voice actor for the baron also does it for the owner and operator of the service. So it's most likely from Better Cities, which added the couriers to the game for me.

Edited by Bacae
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