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[LE] Interested in starting modding, looking for some help.


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Hey guys, I've been playing Skyrim since it's release and from the very start I had always had mods installed.

After a lot of playthroughs with literally all of the overhaul mods, I thought that I really wanted to change it up with some of my ideas.


I've looked into the guides that are provided both here and some that Google™ shows me, but I'm looking something really particular.

I really want to make a 'perk overhaul', is there any guide that I missed, or anything that can give a beginner like me some info?


Thanks in advance :)

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Do you want to rework existing perk or create a whole new perk tree?


I can help/guide you if you want, but creating new trees is currently beyond me (though hopefully not for long

Just rework the existing ones, sorry for the really late reply, but i've been away on a business trip.

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