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Angi's Camp (Bug Fix Request)


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I've been having some significant annoyance with this place.


(quest spoiler)

As most of of us will know, at Angi's Camp you are given an archery challenge to improve your skill. However, upon the final challenge in which you are to hit all four targets within 10 seconds, if you fail to do so, Angi automatically forces you into a dialogue. For me, this means that while I am rapidly firing arrows down range I invariably get pulled into the dialogue mid-draw, the camera swings to face her, and my arrow is loosed right into Angi.


If anyone out there is capable of adding a fix to this, so that rather than initiating a dialogue Angi simply says "Better luck next time" and you initiate the dialogue to continue, I would be forever grateful, as will many others in the future I am certain.


I am going to take this a step further though, and lend an additional suggestion to the archery range targets.

For the life of me, I have the hardest time telling if I've hit a target. The arrows don't stick into them, and any noise they make is negligible. If, as anyone might be inclined to look into it, perhaps changing the targets into a metallic item that would ring out when struck, then you would really know you've hit the mark. A swinging bell would be ideal, but even just an object that swings (as shop signs do) would really help.


Thanks to anyone who has the know-how and inclination to iron out this little kink.


Great job to all the modders out there collectively for everything you do.


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