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The mod is started by a message saying you have received an emergency broadcast stating a scavenging battalion from the BoS has been attacked in a swampish hell hole somewhere in south florida and its up to you to help them i need meshes, re-texturing people and quest people plus some people to help me design the world only about 2 of each though the pics will give you a feel for what im going for Edited by saw12
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The storyline i have so far is when you start the game you will received a message on your pip boy like it says and you enter the swamp world and it was a traders paradise a couple months ago and some parts of pre war tech science test labs for scavengers paradise but when you arive you welcomed by a dead brahmin laying on the road and ghouls EVERYWHERE you follow the map marker to a small deserted trading plaza where a few BoS knights are scavenging supplies your greeted by the Sergant stating their condition so you agree to help them and you go to talk to the elder of this Chapter thats all i can say on here without giving away the suprises and twists
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Check out my project http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/457340-wip-braves-journeys/ , i work on such an swamp area. And Raven Modding also does a swamp area. Maybee you should get some things done, build a worldspace and release some pictures/screens, then people will offer help with things like quests.

Edited by AutoPumpaction
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