x2cute2killx Posted December 2, 2016 Share Posted December 2, 2016 okay so i just want some basic advice on the creation kit. i made a radio station which i was able to do with help from youtube but i dont wanna end up youtubing everything i need to know. basically all im wondering about now is how doi create a custom NPC with dialougue, give it a quest, a place where he shacks up and a custom item you need to return to him for the quest?? also can i use holotapes to add new tracks to a radio station?? can i put this all in one mod?? after its all put together how do i upload it to NMM for other people to use?? how do i make a separate area king of like a DLC area where you travel somewhere?? uhm i think thats all my questions for now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YooReFa Posted December 2, 2016 Share Posted December 2, 2016 Honestly, if there's a youtube video covering your questions, you're in a very comfortable spot. Especially if there's a video guiding you step by step through the exact thing you want to do. So I'd definitely recommend to go watch a video regarding your NPC based quest. For your radio station: Yes, you are able to add tracks to a radio station (through holotapes and whatnot). As you already learned, radio stations are actually quests with different scenes. You'd have to normally add the scenes (aka tracks) plus value condition (holotape acquired/activated true or not) to your radio station. You can put all of this and much more in one file, no problem. Lastly, http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/ -> files -> add a file. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
x2cute2killx Posted December 2, 2016 Author Share Posted December 2, 2016 schweet thanks actually i have another question as well. how do you make the songs on a station randomized like the other mods to like when i die itll be playing one song but when the game reloads itll be playing another song just basicaly every time the game reloads it plays a diffeent song and i like that any clues?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
damanding Posted December 2, 2016 Share Posted December 2, 2016 There's a whole tutorial on radio stations: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12996/?, Making an NPC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8dCT1IzINY, Making a fetch object quest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW4TvzKjPV4. Creating a world space: https://community.bethesda.net/thread/13948?start=0&tstart=0 Creation Kit Basics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sles9_D5_-g Google is your friend. Learning how to make mods is very much a self driven activity. People on the forum are usually happy to help you when you're stuck and have a specific question, but saying "I don't want to learn from a youtube video, teach me how to do it personally" isn't going to get you very far. Maybe you prefer text based tutorials to videos, that's understandable, but unfortunately you're kind of stuck with the tutorials that already exist. If the existing tutorials aren't making a specific task clear enough, come to the forums for help. But if you want to learn how to make mods, you're pretty much stuck with learning a lot of it on your own time and terms. Now if it were allowed and you wanted to pay someone to tutor you that's one thing, but you're not likely to find anyone who wants to one on one tutor you how to do everything for free. Which totally sucks but is our unfortunate reality. If it were up to me, there would be some sort of a port I could hook my brain up to and learn kung fu instantly like Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
x2cute2killx Posted December 2, 2016 Author Share Posted December 2, 2016 haha xD your like my favorite person on here damanding, and no i really honestly love tutorial videos its just the fact at 24kps internet i cant even get most youtube videos to load... /: thats the only reason i asked for one on one. i usually have to download a video from youtubbe straight to my computer (which takes several hours by the way) to watch it without major amounts of buffering and only about 5 seconds of video. i would just go to starbucks but sadly i live on an island so starbucks isnt as accessible for me. ill try and see those videos you posted. i just wanna make sure theyll help my specific cause before i take ten hours to download them though. so making an NPC should be pretty straightforward but the thing is i want to tie all this into my radio station.heres my requirements i wanna make a radio station that plays music has a dj,the dj is an actual character in game,he has an actual radio station building,he has a quest tied to himthe quest tied to him requires a custom object (i.e. a guitar)i want to make holotapes that add new songs on to the radio station that are also tied to quests after the guitari want to know how to make a new area to explore outside the commonwealthhow to create and design a custom weaponand finally how to archive all the things ive implemented into one file and load it on to nexus and bethesda.net i know you listed a couple videos but if you have any more videos that fit those requirements and are fairly easy to follow could you please post them @damanding and ill start working on getting them downloaded to my computer and watching them. i just dont have the internet to go searching for youtube videos and only being able to watch 5 seconds of one before like an hour of buffering. so if you know of any ones personally that could help me specifically in my case itd be awesome just for you to post like a list and ill just get all those... i know its alot to ask but if it helps at all il credit you when the mod is done for helpng me out :D haha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
damanding Posted December 2, 2016 Share Posted December 2, 2016 Ah knowing your internet situation does help, people will definitely be more likely to help you preview videos in that case given what a huge time investment they are for you. I would actually suggest a different approach as well from watching tutorial videos. Look at the stuff associated with Travis Miles, his trailer, Diamond City radio, his Confidence Man quest etc. and see what you can learn from dissecting how Bethesda did it. Also, as for general purpose tutorials on how to do the different things like worldspace building and creation kit basics, a lot of that hasn't changed that much from Skyrim and you'll find a lot more written tutorials for Skyrim than Fallout. For example, you'll need to learn navmeshing when building a worldspace and that hasn't really changed at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
x2cute2killx Posted December 2, 2016 Author Share Posted December 2, 2016 yeah i have terrible internet but honestly i really dont mind downloading the videos i learn alot easier from them than text tutorials. its just more time consuming than anything but all i got is time in this life so im in no hurry. i saved all the videos and tutorials you showed up there but do you have any more links or tutorials i could use?? id rather just get everything all srted together then come back to it when i have the time to, im basically busy today but i figured id ask since im gonna be gone the whole weekend and basically nothing to do at night. the tutorial videos were my basic fallback if i couldnt get one on one seeing as i learn alot easier from showing rather than reading.anyways if you have anything else id much appreciate it if not then ill just do what all the advice youve given me and try it from there thanks by the way Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
damanding Posted December 2, 2016 Share Posted December 2, 2016 This tutorial is on an adult site, so you'll have to be 18+. I don't know what country you're in or if they have internet controls, hopefully you're in a civilized part of the world that just happens to have totally crap internet speeds. It's written (no video) and gives basics of creating an esp file and and NPC. It's for Skyrim but I know the esp creation part is still pretty close to the same (just minor differences) and NPC creation is probably not that different either. I'm not at home to check in the CK though. http://www.loverslab.com/topic/16050-tutorialwip-the-basics-of-making-and-editing-esps-for-skyrim/. Creating your esp is the beginning step for creating a mod. ALL of the changes you make will get saved in your esp file (minus external content such as the radio music files and any custom meshes such as a guitar since I don't think one exists in game). So all quests, NPC info, locations, etc, all that gets saved in your esp file. Keep in mind that if your computer is a lower end machine, everything you do in CK will take longer. If you try to do anything when it's processing your last requested change, it will crash. So if it's obviously working on something, DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING until its done. Where the above directions say to check Skryim and Update esms, replace that with Fallout4 and any DLC's that you want to be a requirement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
x2cute2killx Posted December 2, 2016 Author Share Posted December 2, 2016 oh no no i live in america haha xD yeah i just live on an island heh. we cant get xfinity out here cuz we dnt have phone landlines sadly /: alright ill try that link. and my computer isnt that bad more or less i can at least run fallout and play it fairly well. honeslt yi just need a better graphics card and a bigger RAM then ill be fine but other than that my computer works great for everything else i do. anyways yeah i gotta go now but ill come back if i need any more advice or get stuck thanks man appreciate all the help. now if i can just get someone to help me on the technical issues page ill be all fine and dandy haha xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
damanding Posted December 2, 2016 Share Posted December 2, 2016 Creating an exterior worldspace text guide: I believe this also works across multiple Bethesda games. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_Exterior_Worldspace I highly recommend poking around a LOT in that wiki in general. Most of it applies to both Skyrim and Fallout 4 and it probably indicates when it doesn't. A lot of these tutorials will also still apply: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Main_Page Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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