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unique swords?


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is there a replacer for unique swords, instead of just using the base model for all of them?

because i noticed there is a unique shields (which i have)


but if there isnt, i will make one.

people just need to provide me with links to all sorts of sword models.

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Try looking under the author's submissions, he/she may have already made one. If not, ask the Author. If you are willing to help, they might be willing to make it.
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alright, i'll check with him, see if he made anything.


if not, i'll make a unique swords :D


EDIT: he doesnt have one, so i am going to start a Unique swords mod :D

anyone that wants a specific model in the game send me a link, and i'll check it out!

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  • 2 weeks later...

don't know if you're still gonna do a "unique swords" mod but figured I'd post some pics of swords I thought were cool looking.






http://budk.com/images/500/BK1200.jpg (this one is more of an axe.., oh well)






hope you are still working on this mod as I always like to see new weapons and unfortunately my modding skills are nil.

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lol, yeah that would make sense.., mathcing the swords to the sheilds, haha, that's prolly what he meant and I didn't even think of that! oh well, my brain gets a little foggy after midnight!
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those actually are some cool looking swords, but i have about 1xp point in mesh making :(

if someone were to make those swords, i would definitely put them in as some unique swords!


but this mod is going to replace all of the swords with a name's old meshes, with new unique ones :) thus giving them a "unique" feel.

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