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Skyrim Size isnt working properly. Help!


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so i downloaded skyrim and when ever i run the screen edges get cut off. today skyrim started crashing at the bethesda logo an i fixed it by running it in window mode. but now when i run skyrim it loads properly exept im missing half the screen. (window mode makes the screen zoom into the top left corner of my normal launch screen with the sides gone) this makes it literally impossible to play. i hope i was clear enough. Any help is much apreicated. my usuall screen resolution is 1920 x 1080 thanks in advance!


I think when i launch the game the resolution gets turned down or something thanks. sorry couldnt upload a photo the file was to big

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Go to your mydocuments/mygames/skyrim (or doing this through MO just go to your ini settings) and open your skyrim.ini

Add these two lines under [Display]

iSize W=1920

iSize H=1080

and see if that fixes your problem.


this worked great thanks man. much appreiciated

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