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Armour for mud crabs


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I'm not sure if many of you saw THIS IMAGE that mocked the overpriced and fairly useless oblivion DLC "horse armour" but if you have you may have, like me, fallen in love with the idea. Something about seeing one of the iconic mud crabs shuffling about looking like some kind of war stead is brilliant :) even if not implemented as actual armour, it would be a nice trophy to display, or perhaps a giant armoured mud crab in a dwemer ruin, whose armour plated claw you can take as a trophy for slaying the ancient sea food cyborg (I imagine it would have been some kind of half robotic steroid fuelled prototype of the dwemer)


So that's my request, some creatable or findable or purchasable armour for mud crabs, whether to be equipped to a mud crab, displayed in your home, or used to add a giant cyborg of dwemer creation :thumbsup:

Edited by HatterMaster
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