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How do I change "heap" size?


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Hello Forum!

A very nice Member told me, that I should try to change my "heap" size because my modded fallout constantly crashes.


I read this article: http://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Fallout_NV_Mod_Conflict_Troubleshooting#Issue:_CTD_without_warning.2C_.22Out_of_Memory_error.22.2C_or_stops_responding_after_the_Main_Menu


However I have no clue what to do now.


On of the very first things I did before installing Mod's was to download the 4GB patch: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62552/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D62552&pUp=1


Can someone help me and tell me where I need to go and what to fix to resize the "heap" (what is heap)?


Greetings from Germany,


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Ah. My apologies, and thank you for pointing out an area that needed some improvement. That information had been provided earlier in the article (under "Checklist"), but I have now added it to that sub-topic as well. If you will re-examine that sub-topic link, you should find the instructions you are looking for. If not, just let me and I will work to clarify.


Note that there are two different potential ways to change the ""heap size". They are presented in the order they are easiest to implement, and most effective.



Edited by dubiousintent
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Hello. Thank you for the update!


  • In the folder "Data\NVSE" create a new text file and name it "nvse_config.ini".
  • Make sure "hide known file types" is disabled in Windows Explorer's "Folder" options, or it will have a hidden ".txt" extension which you don't want.
  • Copy and paste the following into "nvse_config.ini":

[Logging] EnableGameErrorLog=1 This will enable the game's error log the next time you run it, which will then be found in your FNV root folder (where you put the NVSE executable files). There will be two files: "falloutnv_error.log" and "falloutnv_havok.log". The first one is very useful for finding broken stuff in mods or the cause of crashes. Not everything in it is an error so keep that in mind; some are just warnings. The warnings are supposed to be found in "C:\Users\<YourAccountName>\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\warnings.txt", but I have found no evidence this is implemented.

  • Add the following before the "[Logging]" section of the "nvse_config.ini" file:

[Memory] DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=448


Those were the Steps I was looking for! My game now runs better and on top of that I do not get the "run ot of memory" errors anymor.

My Game does still crash, so therefore I will now do further research.

Thank you for helping me narrow down my problems. I feel that I get close to get rid of the issues for good! :)

Edited by DragonJarvis
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