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[LE] Trouble with voice file/path and dialogue conditions?


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So this is what I've been dealing with the past month, and frankly, it's driving me insane.

My actor has

a) the right voice type assigned

b) been added to all the necessary factions

c) no trouble with other voice lines, it's specifically this quest that doesn't want to create a path to the voice file.


I think it should also be mentioned that the quest dialogue has no conditions added.


Now I've tried different approaches here, but nothing seems to work.

I've made my own factions (WKPotentialFollowerFaction and WKCurrentFollowerFaction) instead of the vanilla factions, PotentialFollowerFaction and CurrentFollowerFaction, and added my GetIsID.

I've used the vanilla factions (which I'd prefer, tbh) and my GetIsID, still the CK refuses to create a path to the voice file.


So, what I've noticed though, is that it DOES indeed create a path once I remove the "CurrentFollowerFaction" condition (or my WKCurrentFollowerFaction condition, depending on what I've added).




I'm at a loss here. I've been working on this mod for years, and I'm close to finishing it, but unless I can find a way to have the CK locate this voice file, it will have to stay on my hard drive. Any idea what could be causing this?


//EDIT: Removed pictures.

Edited by Weedsekatze
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Yeah, right. The subtitles are there, but the line isn't voiced. I'm using externally recorded dialogue - that is, a placeholder (as in, a few seconds of white noise) fuz file to test if it's working in-game. The file is working with every other line so far, but not the ones in this specific quest.

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Before you add your own line are you using the ck to record and save to generate a wav file of its own which you then replace with your externally recorded one?


Also sometimes the ck doesn't like working with fuz files until it's 'seen' a wave file

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Alright, so I tried that and it still doesn't work. It records just fine, but when I hit "done", there's still no path to the file generated.

Checking Data/Sound/Voice on my hard drive, there's also no new sound file in my esp's folder.


However, I noticed that in the vanilla quest, the whole dialogue branch I'm trying to recreate here is in a different quest tab,

"Dialogue Views", whereas I put mine into "Player Dialogue". Wouldn't be the first time a small mistake like that one gave me

trouble, so I guess I'll copy & paste my branch over there and see if that makes any difference.


//EDIT: Well, guess I saw that one coming, still no luck. The CK created a path to the voices, until I started adding conditions again.

The GetIsID condition went well. The GetInFaction: PotentialFollowerFaction one too.

Once I added the GetInFaction: CurrentFollowerFaction condition, however, the path to the voice file vanished.


//EDIT x2: DEAR HEAVENS I FIGURED IT OUT. I can't believe it took me months to realize that I have to change the GetInFaction

conditions to run on my actor reference!

So for future reference, should anyone stumble over this thread, ready to rip their hair out because they're at their wit's end:

After adding your conditions, make sure the GetInFaction conditions are set to run on your actor's reference:
Double click on your condition, at the bottom left corner, select Run on: Reference, then click Select, select your actor's ref, and

that's it!


still, agerweb, thanks for trying to help me out here. I very much appreciate it!

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Yes, of course I did.

I also did it again for every line, recording a sound file in the CK before adding my fuz file, I mean, after fixing my dialogue conditions and it went smoothly. Everything's working in-game now, subtitles, sound, etc.

So, thank you very much!

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