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How do I make an outfit that conforms to the different bodies?


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Back in Oblivion there was only one body mesh and I could just build the outfit around that body and rig it. In skyrim, I found that there are two versions of separate body parts for each gender, for example femalebody_0.nif, femalebody_1.nif, femalehands_0.nif, femalehands_1.nif ... I realize that 0 is the thinner version and 1 is the bigger body type. Can someone tell me which of the two versions I should use to build my outfit around and how to make it fit every body type?
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Im guessing that "female_1" & "female_0" acts like morph targets (models) in which _0 is the smallest and _1 the "big" one - and all between is when you drag your slider when you creating your character.


So in theory, in order to get one armor to conform accordingly to the body you would have to make it fit both _0 and _1.


Don't take my word for it thou, Im only guessing.

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