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I've been envious of vampires being able to be seen that they are well... vampires besides their hollowed cheeks. The special eyes for that that indicate just always made me want some for werewolves. I was wondering if anyone could either tell me/teach how to make my own so anyone that is a werewolf while in human form has special eyes.



~Thanks for reading!

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Well it works that way for Vampires because they use a seperate race, which comes with their own eye textures. Not the case for werewolves, as they change back to whatever race you created your character with. I mean you could do it.. but you would change the eyes for EVERY actor of that race.


This however would be possible...


With SKSE, as you could change eye textures at run time, etc, etc, store the "original eyes" and change them back when they aren't werewolves anymore. With that said.. can't do it.. yet.

Edited by Lisselli
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