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Startconversation failing


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I have a little mod I have made, that use's a distance check to start a conversation with Player. I have set up the NPC to wander all over Tamriel and when the Player gets within the Getdistance setting he starts a conversation.



This works fine up to about 3 or 4 times, then you get close, and he will not fire the conversation. If I save at that point, and quit the game, then reload the game, and load that save. suddenly he will fire and the conversation will start.


Has this happened to anyone Else, and did you find a cure, or the problem.


I have moved the mod to the bottom, and searched through my script for reasonable errors but as it works for several times it does not seem to be script trouble. I know all the variables that I use to fire the conversation, and I have tried re setting all of these in console, but when he does not fire, the only thing that seems to get him to fire is to save, and restart the game, and load that save.


Script id Object attached to NPC; NPC is in unique faction, NPC is not bandit. NPC is not Evil

if getdistance Player < 1000 && BanditsGG.callblock == 0 && BanditsGG.sendme == 0 && player.GetSitting == 0 && player.IsRidingHorse == 0 && player.istalking == 0 && player.getunconscious == 0 && BanditsGG.Moveaway == 0

     startconversation player AAAGGRRTime


Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by taglag
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I even got so desperate as to try this :(


label 0
if getdistance Player < 1000 && BanditsGG.callblock == 0 && BanditsGG.sendme == 0 && player.GetSitting == 0 && player.IsRidingHorse == 0 && player.istalking == 0 && player.getunconscious == 0 && BanditsGG.Moveaway == 0

       if ( getCurrentAIPackage == 6 ) && ( getPackageTarget == meplay )
                printc"conversation has started" ;***conversation has started
			 startconversation player AAAGGRRTime
		         goto 0 ;I know bad Karma



And even though it did not crash my mod, It still did not fire the conversation once it had hung. I mean it works fine for awhile then hangs. and will not fire. unless i save at that point, quit game, and then restart at that save. then it fires fine. Surely someone else has had this problem, and solved it.


Is anyone still even come to Nexus.. hear so much about bad policies..I hope so I need a little help here.

Edited by taglag
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