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Skyrim - not so much free choice as I hoped


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Firstly, don't be a douche ....secondly, that's all well and good, but you should be able to complete the MAIN QUEST...you know, hunting Alduin down, etc....ie: Being the Dovahkin, which is the whole point of the game...without having to join a Guild...(Mages College).... :dry: ...to carry through the Dovahkins reason for existence quest.


You don't have to join the mage's college to complete the main quest.

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Being a werewolf isn't so bad as you don't wolf out unless you want to. Being a vampire? Now that is restrictive with all that feeding; I found myself doing the quest to cure after about a game week of it.



But if you simply don't want to?


I don't want to be some beastly creature. I check everytime after encountering a vampire if I haven't contracted anything. That's what it boils down to. Preference, taste. You don't want to do it, yet the game tries to force certain choices down your throat.


I became a werewolf to enjoy the quests the companions offered me as well as not having to worry about becoming a vampire ever again... Well then Bethesda again opened brand new Vampire content and I find myself in the exact position the OP is now.


Being a werewolf is fine with me, I sneak around at night anyway and have never used the form except in the one companion's quest where you were forced to. I just consider myself a human who has friends in the companions.


That being said actually "playing" a werewolf or a vampire holds absolutely no interest for me other than the fact I will eventually "have to" to get my achievements.


I wanted to experience as much as possible in this game so yes I do agree it can get very frustrating when I am forced to research spoilers ahead of time to weigh the cost/benefits of joining or refusing to join a faction.


I completed the Brotherhood quest line, even though I really didn't want my character to be that dark, simply because I wanted to see everything I could.



Dawnguard though I am torn on. I know there are some really cool mods for the vampires but honestly I am happy with the play-style of the character I have built. I like my little sneaky arrow flinger. I really don't want to be forced into killing NPC's I might want to interact with later simply because Skyrim demands it to see new content.


To bad this is the last expansion for the Elder Scrolls Universe. :P

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