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Dead is Dead makes skyrim crash after dying


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So the problem is, when I die and the Dead is Dead message "you are dead, your legacy will be remembered blablabla" pops up and I press "Ok", instead of the game going back to main menu, it crashes.

What is supposed to be happening is after you die and the message pops up, your screen should slowly go dark and then you return to main menu, however it CTD's every time. Can anyone pinpoint why the game crashes?

Here is papyrus:


Edited by znaroks
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Woops, here you go:

0 0 Skyrim.esm

1 1 Update.esm

2 2 Dawnguard.esm

3 3 HearthFires.esm

4 4 Dragonborn.esm

5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp

6 6 Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm

7 7 ApachiiHair.esm

8 8 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esm

9 9 Campfire.esm

10 a dcc-soulgem-oven-000.esm

11 b SexLab.esm

12 c Devious Devices - Assets.esm

13 d SexLabAroused.esm

14 e ZaZAnimationPack.esm

15 f Heretical Resources.esm

16 10 ZazExtensionPack.esm

17 11 Devious Devices - Integration.esm

18 12 Devious Devices - Expansion.esm

19 13 EFFCore.esm

20 14 hdtHighHeel.esm

21 15 Heels Sound.esm

22 16 PSQ PlayerSuccubusQuest.esm

23 17 RaceCompatibility.esm

24 18 Skykids.esm

25 19 SK Children of the Sky.esm

26 1a SK Drow Child Race.esm

27 1b SK TheEyesOfBeauty.esm

28 1c Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm

29 1d TERAArmors.esm

30 1e UnlimitedBookshelves.esp

31 1f AOM.esm




Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp

Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp

32 20 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp

33 21 ELFX - Exteriors.esp

34 22 Rebirth Monster.esp

35 23 SkyRealism - Balanced Perk Trees.esp

36 24 SkyUI.esp

37 25 immersive roads.esp

38 26 ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp

39 27 Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp

40 28 WetandCold.esp

41 29 AOS.esp

42 2a Size Does Matter HF.esp

43 2b RealisticWaterTwo.esp

44 2c ELFXEnhancer.esp

45 2d Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp

46 2e RealShelter.esp

47 2f SkyrimCoinReplacerRedux.esp

48 30 Scarcity - Less Loot Mod.esp

49 31 OBIS.esp

50 32 RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp

51 33 Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp

52 34 ELFX - Weathers.esp

53 35 AOM.esp

54 36 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp

55 37 Book of UUNP Iron And Steel.esp

56 38 DFB - Random Encounters.esp

57 39 TheChoiceIsYours.esp

58 3a RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp

59 3b Cloaks.esp

60 3c SMIM-Merged-All.esp

61 3d FrozenThrone.esp

62 3e Frostfall.esp

63 3f fallentreebridges.esp

64 40 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp

65 41 Hunterborn.esp

66 42 Hunterborn Campfire Patch.esp

67 43 Populated Cities Towns Villages.esp

68 44 SkBBP - Start Skills at Level 0.esp

69 45 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp

70 46 Deviously Enslaved.esp

71 47 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul Lite.esp

72 48 Tiny Little Living Origin.esp

73 49 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp

74 4a Bigger Badder Lich King Version 2.0.esp

75 4b mjhReducedGoldRewards.esp

76 4c PP_WindcallerPass.esp

77 4d Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp

78 4e Starting Spell Choice.esp

79 4f Angelic_Demonic.esp

80 50 Animated Dragon Wings.esp

81 51 Attribute Icon Widget.esp

82 52 Auto Unequip Ammo.esp

83 53 Bathing in Skyrim - Main.esp

84 54 Bathing in Skyrim - Hunterborn.esp

85 55 BetterSwimming.esp

86 56 FNIS.esp

87 57 UIExtensions.esp

88 58 AddItemMenu2.esp

89 59 brawlbug-plugin.esp

90 5a Brows.esp

91 5b ChrisRichardz Anime Eyes.esp

92 5c CombatFatigue.esp

93 5d SexLabDangerousNights2.esp

94 5e NK Followers.esp

95 5f GCE FollowerV2 All In One.esp

96 60 Dead Body Collision.esp

97 61 SexLabDefeat.esp

98 62 mslDeviousCaptures.esp

99 63 SOTFollowMeAndSwimToo.esp

100 64 SOT_FollowMe.esp

101 65 Immersive Weapons.esp

102 66 PermaZONES - Static - Balanced.esp

103 67 Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp

104 68 DeviouslyTraining.esp

105 69 ImmerSlave-DeviceCut.esp

106 6a Devious Deviants.esp

107 6b DeviouslyHelpless.esp

108 6c DCSorceress.esp

109 6d Dual Sheath Redux.esp

110 6e NN_ElvishDresses.esp

111 6f Emfy Cleric Robes.esp

112 70 SexLab_Solutions.esp

113 71 EFFDialogue.esp

114 72 FNISSexyMove.esp

115 73 Unprotected Follower Faction.esp

116 74 yps-ImmersivePiercing.esp

117 75 Gwelda Red Riding Hood.esp

118 76 hestia_Outfit.esp

119 77 vImmersiveBeds.esp

120 78 iHUD.esp

121 79 Immersive NPC in the dark.esp

122 7a Iosefka Follower UNP-TBBP.esp

123 7b KS Hairdo's.esp

124 7c Lamae.esp

125 7d kuzak-bodyandstockings.esp

126 7e Natural Fatigue.esp

127 7f PSLacePanties.esp

128 80 No Killmoves, No Killcams, No Killbites.esp

129 81 No NPC Greetings.esp

130 82 dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp

131 83 One With Nature - DG+DB.esp

132 84 Rebirth Monster - USLEEP Patch.esp

133 85 Rebirth Monster - EEO Patch.esp

134 86 OBISDB.esp

135 87 TradeBarter.esp

136 88 Real Clouds.esp

137 89 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp

138 8a Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp

139 8b Osare Panty.esp

140 8c Osare Underwear.esp

141 8d Headtracking.esp

142 8e posesivecorpses.esp

143 8f RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp

144 90 RaceMenu.esp

145 91 RaceMenuPlugin.esp

146 92 Real Flying.esp

147 93 RealisticNightsDB.esp

148 94 RealisticNightsDG.esp

149 95 RealisticNightsRLOWeathers.esp

150 96 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp

151 97 Rebirth Monster - Immersive Weapons Patch.esp

152 98 InnovaEyes.esp

153 99 Scarcity - 6x Loot Rarity.esp

154 9a Scarcity - 6x Merchant Item Rarity.esp

155 9b Scent of Sex.esp

156 9c SexLab Sound FX Replacer.esp

157 9d SexLab Cumshot.esp

158 9e SexLab Extra Voices.esp

159 9f SexLabTools.esp

160 a0 SexLab Warmbodies.esp

161 a1 SignarFollower.esp

162 a2 SimplyKnock.esp

163 a3 SKY_Girls.esp

164 a4 SK Playable Kids.esp

165 a5 SK Vanilla Child Replacer DB.esp

166 a6 SK Vanilla Child Replacer.esp

167 a7 SK Vanilla Child Replacer HF.esp

168 a8 SLAnimLoader.esp

169 a9 SlaveTats.esp

170 aa Schlongs of Skyrim.esp

171 ab SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp

172 ac summoningbegone.esp

173 ad Sylvanas Windrunner Cuirass.esp

174 ae AwpSylvanas.esp

175 af The Ningheim.esp

176 b0 TrueBrows.esp

177 b1 TrueStorms.esp

178 b2 UnderPants.esp

179 b3 Tiwa44_Minidresses_Standalone.esp

180 b4 Tiwa44_Minidresses_Standalone_DG&DB.esp

181 b5 VendorSaleDelay-Gone.esp

182 b6 Jojjos Warglaives.esp

183 b7 WetandCold - Ashes.esp

184 b8 When Vampires Attack.esp

185 b9 Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp

186 ba Witch Elf Armour.esp

187 bb XiNafay - Shoes.esp

188 bc SOSRaceMenu.esp

189 bd XPMSE.esp

190 be RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp

191 bf NibblesAnimObjects.esp

192 c0 SFO - Dragonborn.esp

193 c1 Hunters Not Bandits.esp

194 c2 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp

195 c3 dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp

196 c4 WetFunction.esp

197 c5 KS Jewelry.esp

198 c6 Sotteta Necromancer Outfit.esp

199 c7 More Believable Carrying Weight.esp

200 c8 ExpandedJewelryCrafting.esp

201 c9 Item Recycling.esp

202 ca HDT Piercingsets.esp

203 cb SL Deadly Drain.esp

204 cc Warglaive of Azzinoth.esp

205 cd KS Hairdos - HDT.esp

206 ce ImprovedCombatMusic.esp

207 cf NoblesseOblige.esp

208 d0 NOFineClothesReplacer.esp

209 d1 NOJarlClothesReplacer.esp

210 d2 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp

211 d3 CCO_SIC_Patch.esp

212 d4 RSPatch.esp

213 d5 SLALAnimObj.esp

214 d6 HonedMetal.esp

215 d7 Illustrious HDT Cloaks.esp

216 d8 Potions.esp

217 d9 AOS2_EBT Patch.esp

218 da AOS2_ELFX-Weathers Patch.esp

219 db AOS2_RealisticWaterTwo Patch.esp

220 dc AOS2_TrueStorms Patch.esp

221 dd AOS2_WetandCold Patch.esp

222 de Dead_Is_Dead.esp

223 df Open Cities Skyrim.esp

224 e0 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp

225 e1 Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp

226 e2 Patch - Starting Spell Choice - Live Another Life.esp

227 e3 Starting Spell Choice - Life Another Life Patch.esp

228 e4 Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp

Edited by znaroks
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1. I would guess your problem is likely animation related, probably when you do die. I don't know what these mods are, but something maybe with dead poses or dead body collision is interfering with the other mod Dead is Dead.
2. As for your load order, I would put your XPMSE a bit lower. Probably right up under your Alternate start. Then I would put RSPatch right under Dual Sheath Redux Patch; LOOT doesn't sort these.
3. It could also be sound related. Perhaps there is an unknown sound you make when you die and it is conflicting with AOS2?

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1. I would guess your problem is likely animation related, probably when you do die. I don't know what these mods are, but something maybe with dead poses or dead body collision is interfering with the other mod Dead is Dead.

2. As for your load order, I would put your XPMSE a bit lower. Probably right up under your Alternate start. Then I would put RSPatch right under Dual Sheath Redux Patch; LOOT doesn't sort these.

3. It could also be sound related. Perhaps there is an unknown sound you make when you die and it is conflicting with AOS2?


I don't have custom death animations or anything like that. I'll update my load order tho.

Also, unrelated question, should'nt XPMSE be as high as possible in the left side of MO and should it overwrite realistic ragdolls and force?

I have custom female voice, but it is not overwriting AOS2.


I tried starting a new game, without turning any of the mods that require to be turned on in the MCM menu, just went straight to playing without tinkering with anything. I suicided to some enemies, and the Dead is Dead worked fine.


Usually when I start a new game, i do it from a save, where I have setup everything I need in my MCM menus already, so I don't have to repeat the process every time I start a new character. I have a lot of mods that I need to change up in MCM so it would suit my gameplay.

So I'm guessing the issue could be related to mods that are in MCM or the save itself.

Edited by znaroks
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To answer your question about XPMSE, yes, it should be high on both sides. Your left side should match the right almost completely except perhaps for textures that you want overriding others.


I can understand the restart, but it is likely the save itself had some mods that were moved or altered and the scripts are still running. You can play on a new game or try a Skyrim Script cleaner or something. I've never used it but I hear it can help.

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To answer your question about XPMSE, yes, it should be high on both sides. Your left side should match the right almost completely except perhaps for textures that you want overriding others.


I can understand the restart, but it is likely the save itself had some mods that were moved or altered and the scripts are still running. You can play on a new game or try a Skyrim Script cleaner or something. I've never used it but I hear it can help.

Yeah but you said to put my XPMSE below alternate start, which is one of the last mods in my load order, thats why I got confused. Why not put it as one of the first mods after masters?

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By under I mean in regards to priority, not load order:


Alternate Start


in that order.


The reason why you wouldn't want it higher up in your load order is because you want it to recognize over everything else that there is a skeleton in place, among other reasons. The higher up your list items are, the more quickly they load, but the less "powerful" they are in priority. You want your game above all to recognize that Alternate start is going to start you out in its mod, not the intro, so it comes last, and any mod that alters the beginning of your game will likely have an alternate start patch. So XMPSE that alters all your mods that have animations and htd, stuff like that, should come last so it works over everything.

Edited by snelss0
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