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Debate Francesco leveled items and creatures vs OOO


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currently I have OOO installed on my game.


I have also MMM and MOO.


But, I have lot of compatibility issues and i m' considering to switch in favor of Francesco.


Also, a lot of esps slot wasted in compatibility patch.



Some more experimented players can talk about OOO and Francesco ?



which one do you recommand?



I don't know Francesco, someone can descrip this mod ? What it add ? npc, quest ?

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Since around 2006 when the first OOO went public I have been only using that mod those time I tried to play. At that time my hardware couldn't play at more the 15-30 FPS.


This time when I looked at what OOO offer it seemed a bit overwhelming. Until now I had been using that exe option to intall OOO. Messing around with mods and have to start all over because something odd happens have made me a bit more sceptical to install very large mods like this. Instead I went with MOO which is rather simple to install with Wray Bash and it do offer new things like crafting, easy way to find your horse or even summon your horse, more unpredictable encounters where you also can pick side in factions and go treasure hunting or bounty hunting from bill boards in each city. There a will-of-whisp, insects/creatures and some are attacking in groups. In short I think MOO adds a lot to my game play which isn't changing it too far from its Oblivion original game play and the most important part: I don't have to spend more time in tracking down crashes or incompatible mods.

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