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[LE] bulid an Elementalist in skyrim

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Hi guys, I'm just a beginner


I've fixed part of my problem by using perk, but still I don't know how to add conditions to aimed or actor target spells.


I want to make some spells such that can be cast by NPC only when some conditions are met at the same time, those conditions are all of HasMagicEffect type. When there is only one condition it works fine but fails at two or more conditions(connected by AND)


Currently I'm trying to make an improvement for Winterhold college NPCs, inspired by Cerwiden(who will change the spell set each time according to the weakness of the current enemy)and the elementalist in GW2(who has 4 attunemnt, each one with 5 skills, you could transform between them with CD) , I think unlike average mages who just focus on one element with few fixed spells, say, using fireball to death,the ture masters, like Ervine and Faralda, should be able to transform between fire/ice/lighting attunement, and make combos.

I know there are many ways to realize this mechanism, by perks or by control magicka etc, but I think my plan is a relative easy and script free one.

I've made three attunement spells for fire/ice/lighting , all target on self, with an explosion effect, say frost nova for ice,shock nova for lighting, fire storm for fire, then I give each spell three dummy effects, one is cooldown effect, when it is active the attunement spell is not available, the other one is combo effect, when it is active additional spells are available, for example Blizzard for ice attunement, the last one is the trigger effect which controls the time of casting, also with out it NPC can't use those spells by vanilla setting.
Then there should be a mechanism to transform between different attunements, for example ice to lighting them to fire and back, each attunement spell gives 45s Cooldown effect and 15s Combo effect,


(some basic spells are always available but they have low priority and aren't powerful)
0s use ice attunement
0~15s use special ice spells
15s use lighting attunement
15~30s use special lighting spells
30s use fire attunement
30~45s use special fire spells
45s use ice attunement again

The cooldown effect is relatively easy. But I still do not know how to add cooldown to aimed or actor target spell, although this is not necessary for the current purpose, if there is an easy way to give cooldown to those ones, I think it could be combined with shout system then realize a similar transform mechanism very easily.For example three shouts with 15s shout cooldown, and priority A>B>C, then give A 45s extra cooldown(independent with shout system),NPC will cast B instead, then give B 30s extra cooldown, NPC now goes to C. But it is not good to put too many spells into shouts, so this would just be an additional feature in my plan.


The combo effect is harder, I can make it work only with self target spell, like Blizzard, I use HasMagicEffect condition on the spell/magical effect, and run on subject to trigger the spell. After casting frost nova the NPC will cast Blizzard in next few seconds, it lasts 10s, when after 15s, the frost combo effect is gone, it will stop. This works out correctly.However, for target actor or aimed spell this does not work, I've tried to check the swap subject and target flag to check the caster's status, but failed.

The trigger effect is the most difficult one, I've already adjust the priority of the attunement spells, so typically they will run in an ice->lighting->fire->ice... order, but I can not control the time between transformation. I've tried to give the trigger effect some additional exclusive conditions to make sure that each time there is one kind of combo effect active. For example, use the HasMagicEffect condition, the fire trigger has three conditions, there is no fire cooldown effect, there is no frost combo effect, there is no lighting combo effect, but it does not work. The NPC will cast fire attunement spell even the lighting combo effect is active.I'm using the AND connection( which is by default) between those three conditions, but only the no cooldown one works properly.


If those condition check problems are solved, the rest will be easy, just adding appreciate spells for each attunement. So guys, do you have any idea?

Edited by topologicalqft
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