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Failure to Get Passed Intro Videos (Not Bad Mod)


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My problem? Oblivion will freeze right after all the intro videos have played (when the Daedric O icon usually appears and a loading bar happens to load content). It just never goes anywhere.


However, this _only_ happens when I load a master file, a .esm, OTHER than Oblivion.esm. Any .ESM file. I've downloaded countless mods to try their ESM files. Any of them always cause it to freeze.


I could have a hundred .esp files and it'd be fine. Yes, I have reinstalled oblivion with a clean install and no mods. I tried the vanilla game + an esm, and it froze. I tried it with all patches and the Shivering Isles + an esm, it froze. If I uncheck all .esm's but Oblivion, it's fine.


I have no load order as it isn't important, but if you must know my current setup is:





That's it. Literally. It's a clean install into the C:\Games folder with all permissions valid. CMPartners.esm is my newest attempt. If I disable it, the game loads.


I even got real technical and tried debugging the Oblivion.exe using Visual Studio. It keeps going back and forth between two Assembly instructions, like it's stuck in a loop trying to load the master files (other than Oblivion). This is only my guess.


Anyone have any clue what is going on? Yes, I also tried clearing the My Games\Oblivion folder of all data. This is being run on a Windows 10 OS. It is a disc version, not Steam. GOTY.


Oh, and yes, I attempted to convert the .esm to an .esp, successfully. It still froze.

Edited by stbashkir
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Crashes on startup are often related to missing masters. You already did a lot of research which is good. Your problem looks like the game fails to load Oblivion.esm as soon as any other esm file is present.


You can explicitly enable Oblivion.esm in Oblivion launcher -> Data files. Although that file should be loaded automatically, it might be some kind of weird bug you're encountering.


Another problem are file downloads through IE. Sometimes these file are marked as "unsafe" and after extracting them, the Oblivion process may not have read access to these files.

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