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Voiceless Dialog


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I am a Noob to the forum, I have been stumbling around Nexus ever since I had problems with FO3, but never participated other than downloading.


A few weeks ago during a celebration for getting my rig back (remodled office and prolonged storage) I downloaded a better settlers mod, an improved drumlin diner mod and some mod that I cannot find anymore that put adult content on billboards. I later deleted the last mod, but now (and if I remember correctly, before I deleted the last mod) I am finding the NPC dialog without sound. My current NPC is Nick, and neither him, or the vendors, or the various quest characters make any sound when I try to converse with them, I just get my options without hearing what they say.


I have so far tried: Options>Audio>voices where I changed to maximum and all else at half

: changing the fallout4prefs:interface:dialogsubtitles=0 and changed value to 1

: going on Steam and rebuilding my cache


I tried to find my Config, or cofig files but my PC does not yield that option when I open my FO4 files


Does anyone have any ideas?


Thx! Lar

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