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Load order review (Playing on Xboxone)


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Any advice on my load order? Anything i should tweak? Also would you recommend placing treeslod higher up in the order to improve draw distance? Many thanks in advance :)


Unnoficial skyrim special edition patch

Campfire: Complete camping system,


iNeed - Food, Water and sleep,

Adorable females,

Natural eyes,


Enhanced blood textures,

Fallen trees,

Northborn fur hoods,

Vampires suck,




Lanterns of skyrim,

Lampposts of skyrim,

Wet and cold,

Practice dummies,

Vivid weathers Special edition,

Alternate start,

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First thing I notice is if this is all of the mods you have installed then you have already done something right (which most of us fail at) and you have kept your mod list small. The second thing I'd mention is most of the weather, hunting, and survival mods are script heavy so against keeping them few is huge!

As for anything specific in your load order, I don't see anything that jumps out at me, but you may want to run this through LOOT once just to see what it catches, same with TES5Edit, and then consult the mod pages against those results.

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