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HD vanilla (or lore friendly) hairstyle


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As for the moment, despite all my searches on nexus and elsewhere, i never found a mod that fits skyrim vanilla hairs.

Sure, there is apachii and hairdos, but i'm not too fan of the anime like feeling it gives to the npcs and players.

Even with the Total character makeover that enhances a bit the hairs, they feel left behind.

I'd really like a mod that enhances vanilla hairstyle as well as putting lore friendly hairstyle in HD.

If someone happens to read this suggestion and wants to do it, you have all my thanks!


Thank you for reading

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https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36510/ Sorry about the missclick coment up there, anyhow, this is a HD meshes for vanilla textures commonly used in LE TES V. I know you asked for something for ES but since theres none that i have founded so far you may wanna request said mod to this author, he is pretty active and likes constructive suggestions

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