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Drivable Horse Carriages!

Mad Cat66

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Okay... So in the beginning, I was all excited. I mean, your character was literally riding in the back of a horse drawn carriage! But my dreams were crushed when I learned a few hours later that it was held only for that video, and the most you could do was hop in the back of one. Is there any mod that could let you purchase a horse and carriage (which would be very expansive, like, maybe 10,000 gold?), and control it? I have only tapped lightly into modding for Oblivion, I have no idea if this would be hard. Anyone know if it's possible, or if you might make it?
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Ah yes, I would like this too. When I first jumped in the back of the carriage I thought it was going to be like Red Dead Redemption where you got the option of either watching the carriage travel from one city to the next, or sleeping and waking up at your destination. Sadly it was just a black screen and then poof, I was at my destination. Driving a carriage would be fun too.
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