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Leather Helmets / medieval armor


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This has bothered me since I first played the game. The most basic armor suit lacks a fundamental piece of armor - the helmet.

It don't make no sense. Sure, you can easily get army or flight or batting helmets, but for aesthetic / roleplaying / immersion purposes, and for people like me who like to mod F4 into a hardcore survival experience of true scarcity, the lack of leather head gear as an option is kind of dumb.

Would be nice to see one or more of the many styles of medieval or earlier military helmets. I'm not an elder scrolls fan but I'm pretty sure skyrim has leather caps and helms, right? Ideally they would be integrated into leveled lists alongside the vanilla leather armors with similar stats, but if not I can figure that part out later.

Bonus daydreams:
historical armors (or something inspired by them) - Roman legionnaire, Polish winged hussar, Viking raider, Samurai, Sipahi, Janissary...... *sigh*

Edited by milkowskip
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